“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

Hi everyone! I wanted to start this blog entry by thanking you all for sticking with me the past two years; Especially when I’ve got months and even longer before without posting. My family and I are starting to heal a very little amount from the loss of our Yorkie back in January. I miss him every single day and think about him more often than not. I’m thankful though that he’s in a much better place and isn’t sick and hurting anymore. After death, life moves on and new experiences and changes begin to take shape and form.

For me, I started a new adventure last month and it was definitely way out of my comfort zone. I am currently an ItWorks Distributor. If you aren’t familiar with ItWorks, let me give you some background information. ItWorks has a line of products that help with anything from weight loss management to beauty and lifestyle. Some of the products we have are weight loss pills, stretch mark cream, Keto Coffee, Keto Energy, Cleanses, and more! Before starting on this journey, I second-guessed myself on my decision to join this business for a weeks. I had a friend on FB who was also a distributor and I found her so inspiring and someone I could easily connect with. I saw how she changed her life within a matter of months. I saw how supportive her friends and family were of her new adventure. I saw how she could spend a crazy amount on stuff her family needed and wanted. I saw through pictures and videos how she and her family took a random trip to Disney World without having to worry about having enough funds to cover for it or worry about the aftermath financially. I wanted that for my family as well. No one wants to admit that they are jealous of another person especially one who is younger than you and skinnier than you. No one wants to admit defeat and how they struggle to pay for simple everyday necessities. I hate to ask for help and will avoid it if at all possible in any way that I can. However, if I don’t at least try to help myself no one else is going to do it for me. As a mother its absolutely heartbreaking to hear your children ask for things and having to tell them there’s no money for that or they have to decide between the toy they want or groceries for the week.  To be honest, all of this among other life stresses caused me to go into a sort of depression. I had zero energy to even do daily tasks and my mood changed constantly. I knew I wanted and needed to make a change to make my life better. You would think that since I graduated in December 2018 with a Master’s Degree in Education that I would have a great paying job and be able to support my family with no problem. However, that’s not the case and it was time to find something else to do until I found a job where I could use my degree.

I have to admit, I haven’t been as successful with this new business adventure as I had hoped but it’s definitely a start and I’m hoping with hard work and dedication I can make the lives of my children, husband, and myself better. All of this background information was to encourage my readers to do what I did and take a leap of faith. Take risks, believe in yourself, and go on new adventures. You only get one life so why not make the most of it?! With ItWorks whether as a customer or a distributor, what’s the worse than can happen?! You purchase products that actually help you and make you feel better?! You take a leap of faith and join the business and get free products to try for yourself? You make $20 that you wouldn’t of had otherwise or you might make a full-time income from your phone?! Perhaps you’re like me and you actually thought about buying the products or joining the business but can’t fully commit yet. Maybe your reasons are similar to mine and you have no one who supports you. Maybe everyone around you is negative about it and trying to talk you out of it. I can say I’ve been there before and still going through it as I type this. If no one else has you, at least you got yourself. Feel free to check out my FB page for my Itworks Products, there’s also a group that I have for it. Here’s my link ItWorks Site check it out and order something!  You can also follow me on Instagram Follow Me! Don’t hesitate to comment or message me with any questions/concerns! As, always until next time, happy reading.


Quote about Life Experiences

Author: whenlifehappens182

Educator, Wife, Mother, Student, Product Reviewer, Life-long Learner

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